You Have Evolved …………Beautifully

By Kanwalpreet

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I was introduced to Wizkids during COVID pandemic when my son participated in a few competitions launched by the team. The topics were varied and interesting. The fee was nominal that made it accessible to all and it had a pan-India base. I felt my son would be able to compete with children of his age across the country. It would help him to gauge his strengths and weaknesses. And that is how I started my journey with the team. When they decided to come out with an online newspaper – “The kids Carnival”, I was asked to contribute.

Mansi, the founder of wizkids , started it as a one-woman show. I talked to her and loved her passion. I learnt from my conversations that she is from the corporate world but wanted to step into a field that encouraged creativity. She wanted to work with children. She told me that her husband supported her in her endeavour.

As I started writing for her, I realised her passion was for real. As the newspaper took flight, she hired young professionals to join her in fulfilling her dream. Her decision to hire more people meant that the team was growing. And sure enough, a lot of dynamism entered the working. The competitions in the form of a ‘wizkid Contests’ continue as do the issues of the newspaper. It has become very colourful, child-friendly and interesting. I have introduced a few writers to the newspaper and they are enjoying the whole experience. Personally, I get to write for children and for that I have to think like a child. This makes the whole process very interesting. In fact, writing articles for the magazine acts as a stress buster. I enjoy playing with words to keep them simple for my target audience- the children.

Writing for “The kids Carnival” is sheer delight. I look forward to writing for every issue. I am sure that this venture will become a favourite of the children across the country. It will occupy a place of pride in the hearts of children as they step into their teens. It will bring back a sense of nostalgia and they would recommend it to others. I foresee it growing phenomenally. I look forward to reading every successive issue. My journey has been very fruitful. I wish Mansi and her team the very best. I am confident that they will soar.

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