The sound of water – an enchanting phenomenon

By Kudrat Sekhon

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Music can be found anywhere and everywhere. In the summer, the scorching sun, the hot and humid weather, and the sound of cold water as it fills the tub or bucket is the most calming. Nothing is more appealing than cooling off as water that splashes you in entirety.

Water has an uncanny quality of calming a person. You can look at it, listen to it, drink it, bathe with it, or simply have fun with it. Now that spring is here, and summers are right around the corner, water will have a newfound significance.

This characteristic of water can be very useful in the month of March. A dreaded month for all youngsters with exams being carried out everywhere, and stress levels are going through the roof. As a solution, simply listening to the water flowing or falling can increase your concentration drastically.

While taking a bath is frequently an unpleasant exercise in the winter, it is an eagerly anticipated activity in the summer. Imagine jumping into a tank of water with your friends on a hot day or going for a swim in your favourite theme park with your loved ones.

The splashing of water in theme parks excites and awakens the inner water baby in every one of us. The fervour with which we walk in that direction, followed by the exhilaration of waiting in a queue to ride our favourite rollercoaster is completely unmatched.

Come to think of it, why do all places of entertainment have a water body? Are fountains in malls, hotels, and airports only meant for the beautification of a place? The sound of moving water is registered as a non-threatening sound which allows our brain to relax, and rejuvenate. Water fountains in hotels not only add charm to the place but also add to the playfulness of the environment.

Another purely nature-centric scenario can be going on a picnic and sitting next to a stream, river bank or a lake enjoying your favourite snack to nod off after having a hearty lunch. Such experiences with loved ones cannot be duplicated.

The sound of water falling on to any surface is therapeutic. Irrespective of whether they are raindrops splattering on the roof or a waterfall smashing to the ground, the sound of water splashing on a surface awakens our senses. Having a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day with nice crispy snacks can make our day.

The sheer joy accompanied by the realisation of having a weekday off because it is pouring is blissful. The first thing to be done in such a situation is to make paper boats, and bid these “kishtis” farewell in the rainwater.

On the other hand, the ear-splitting sound of a waterfall crashing with sheer force can help us understand the power and raw might of nature. As a result, if raindrops can stimulate our senses and rain can cancel school, then the raucous noise of a downpour can startle and awaken us at the same time.

The largest water body on the planet is the ocean and is known for its vastness. On a high tide, the sound of the waves crashing against a wall can be frightful.

Millions of different types of sea life call the ocean home. The mighty blue whale, also the biggest mammal on the planet, lives in the deep blue sea. One can only imagine how daunting yet amazing it must be to experience the sound of waves combined with the cry of a blue whale.

While, not all of us are able to spend as much time in nature as we would like, technology can be very useful in bringing us closer to it. So next time you are stressed and worried about your score, go to YouTube and simply listen to various tunes offered by nature through its water bodies.

Nature has given us a lot to satisfy our five senses. It depends on our perspective towards things and how we can use technology to our advantage to take us closer to the natural world.

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