Catching a Snowflake


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Many months back, when I started as a Judge for “Rhyme Your Thoughts” poetry contest, little did I know that it would turn out to be such a beautiful experience that I’d wait for poems with the eagerness of the burning earth for the first raindrop, with the joyful anticipation of a child to catch a snowflake – soft and ethereal, each perfect in its uniqueness.

Nothing can distress me when I am reading their work as, while at it, I am rapt in listening to the cadences of young hearts and bright minds; in observing their thoughts, their vision defying their age and their imagination which has made them infinite. It is at these moments I discern the footsteps of the future- a future with creativity, humanity, hope and harmony.

It’s at these moments that I feel grateful to be a part of their journey, to be able to nudge them a bit here, caress them a bit there and have that satisfaction of watching them evolve each month as they send fresh poetry with fresh vigour, fresh ideas and infectious smiles.

In these tiny saplings of today, I envision shady trees of literature tomorrow I see compassionate humans, an ecologically sensitized generation of model citizens with tolerant inclusive views.

So, I smile dreamily as I do my bit to tend, to nurture these buds of creative hopes and flick through their work foreseeing a rich bounty.


Kokila Gupta

Kokila Gupta nurtures a deep love for nature, literature and simplicity.

She has a Master's degree in Immuno-Parasitology and Education, and has been a lecturer at Post Graduate College, has worked as a Government Teacher, and as HOD, Life Science in a reputed Intermediate Institute. At present she enjoys her role as Online Freelance Educator and a Wellness Coach.

Her poetry and prose has been widely published in anthologies, literary sites and magazines, bringing awards and appreciation both.

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