Book Review

By K.Shree Varshaa

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Author : Michael Northrop

Book Name : Trapped

This book gives us a sneak peek into the school life of a teenage boy who survives as an average student but ends up being the only hope for the school.

The story revolves around seven people and himself who get stuck in the school due to an extreme climatic condition and what happens next ends up to be the crux of this book.

It describes to us a real life situation and how they went about solving it with a lot of courage, hope and excitement. It reveals a presence of mind and a lot of humor which I really loved. Many twists and turns make this book even more enjoyable and interesting.

I will gladly recommend this book to all those teenagers who need a quick stress buster and hearty laugh. I would give this book a rating of 8/10 as there are some repetitive sections which could have been omitted. However, in overall context, description, character building, sequence of events, it is WORTH a read

So I would goad you to go grab the book and have some fun.

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