WKC Our-Journey


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Today marks two years since we started wizkidscarnival. The start of wizkidscarnival was the result of multiple conversations, about how best we can engage kids and help them discover their own true self, as well as fill them with pride and happiness through what they have created.

We thought that competitions were a great way to engage and challenge kids – regardless of their age. Competitions – when run in a stress-free manner and with fun and exciting themes – invigorate the child to create something with passion and zest – the child puts forth his/her best foot forward, and isn’t that what we all want?

At the same time, we also wanted to make sure that participating in competitions is something that should be done with a desire to better oneself – and hence we deliberately took efforts in making every child feel like a hero! This effort took the form of our digital magazines – a place where every child’s entry – whether or not he or she wins – is published!

Today these digital magazines form the cornerstone of wizkidscarnival. Wizkidscarnival – as it stands – would not exist without these magazines. We have had multiple instances where kids who had never written a story before have gone on to write stories that are 30 pages long. These kids were not always winners – but their story’s publication in our magazine made them and their parents realize that they are skilled. It gave them the confidence to go ahead and explore and better this skill through our story-writing competitions.

We have had similar stories from almost all our formats – children who were camera shy and had never given a speech to now participating and sometimes winning the prize for the best speech in a particular contest – to children who couldn’t put rhymes together who now compose their own poems, the list is endless!

This list spans children of all ages and from all corners of India – as they say, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari – from Aizawl to Kutchh – and even children from Sweden, UAE, Norway, Germany, the US, UK – every child has found the creator in himself/herself through our competitions.

None of this would have been possible without the blood, sweat and tears of our amazing team – who comprise stars as young as 21 years old to moms and parents who discovered this platform for their children and decide to join us in our mission of “Hero”ing every child!

We are truly humbled by this response and continue to be amazed by the creative power of these kids. Which is why – we want to take our magazines one step further through the launch of “The Kids Carnival” – our newspaper – which is published monthly for now, but soon will be published weekly.

The Kids Carnival will be the place where kids can come, discover other childrens’ best content and get inspired to create their own! At the same time, there will be articles / nuggets that guide them on how to become better!

But then, as they say – “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!” So we also have a special section – appropriate for the child’s age – where they can do bite-sized, small activities and get their dose of fun!

As schools open – we are even more excited, while kids will be busy physically – we want them to not engage in mindless screen time by consuming content on YouTube and Facebook. Rather, give them a safe, engaging and invigorating platform where they can spend a couple of hours a week enriching themself and discovering what they are good at! So that they can grow more confident and as parents, we can know where we channel their natural talents to!

That is the sole purpose of wizkidscarnival, to “Hero” your child – and we are taking it one step further – by the launch of The Kids Carnival! We wish you love this first edition and would love to hear from you on any improvements that we can make on this! Feel free to drop us a line on mansi@ec2-13-203-75-43.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com / abhishek@ec2-13-203-75-43.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com / vinayak@ec2-13-203-75-43.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com and we’d do everything that we can to see your feedback actioned!

– Mansi/ Abhishek/Vinayak

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