- Theme – Science experiment demo and explanation of the concept
- Explain any one scientific concept with the help of any
balloon experiment
- Explain any one scientific concept with the help of any
- Time Limit – 1-2 min
- Language – English / Hindi
- Submission Format –
1. Video of performance
2. A clear pic of chart/placard used for submission
- Theme – Science experiment demo and explanation of the concept
- Explain the phenomenon of atmospheric pressure and its
effect via a scientific experiment
- Explain the phenomenon of atmospheric pressure and its
- Time Limit – 2-5 min
- Language – English / Hindi
- Submission Format –
1. Video of performance
- Theme – Science experiment demo and explanation of the concept
- Explain the concept of reflection and refraction of light using simple experiments. Mention some ways these principles are
used in daily life.
- Explain the concept of reflection and refraction of light using simple experiments. Mention some ways these principles are
- Time Limit – 3-7 min
- Language – English / Hindi
- Submission Format –
1. Video of performance