Create a story on any one mentioned for your age category –

  1. Themes: Endling Lines
    • I was the happiest child as I found my best friend again.
    • I had learnt my lesson. The old Mani / Rupa had vanished.
    • The fun had just started. We had a long day ahead and I couldn’t wait for it to roll.
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Time Limit – 2-5 min
  4. Submission Format –
    • Video of narration & Story document

Create a story on any one mentioned for your age category –

  1. Themes: Endling Lines
    • That is how we cracked it. Yes we, my team and I.
    • The trees were adorned with tiny new leaves. It was Spring again. The time for new beginnings.
    • Everyone cheered for me. I had done it. I had conquered my biggest fear.
    • The plane soared high in the sky. My spirits did too. What more could I want…
    • I remembered the quote-“You never lose, either you win or you learn.” Indeed Indeed…
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • Story Document