1. Theme – Quotes/Morals
    Choose any one of the quotes/morals and weave a tale around it with your imagination and creativity.
    • Being Punctual has its rewards
    • Helping others brings us happiness
    • Sharing is caring
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Time Limit – 2 – 5 min
  4. Submission Format –
    • Video of narration & Story document
  1. Theme – Quotes/Morals
    Choose any one of the quotes/morals and weave a tale around it with your imagination and creativity.

    • Pride leads to one’s fall. We must be humble
    • Dreams come true when one makes an effort
    • How my reading habit helped me in a difficult situation
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • Story Document
  1. Themes – Quotes/Morals
    Choose any one of the quotes/morals and weave a tale around it with your imagination and creativity.
    • All talk and no work is a recipe for failure
    • Honesty is the biggest virtue.
    • All things can be inspirational. One needs to just look for it.
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • Video of narration & Story document