1.  Write/Narrate a story on any one of the given prompts or your original story –
    • You are reading a book and suddenly find yourself to be one of the characters in the story . what happens next….
    • You hear some noises in the storeroom of your house. You open the door and …….
    • You find a magical cook book. Write/ Narrate an interesting tale on the events that follow…..
    • You are visiting a museum. A boy in one of the paintings at the museum asks for your help. What did you do next……
    • All the gadgets in the house go on a strike. Their leader Television talks to you about their issues. How do you handle the situation?
    • Any original story of your choice
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. (6-8 yrs) Time Limit – 2-5 Min
  4. (9-15 Yrs) Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  5. Submission Format –
    • (6-8 yrs) – Video of narration & Story document
    • (9-15 Yrs) – Story Document