1.  Choose anyone set of word prompt combo. All the three words must be used in the story –
    • A lantern, a storm, hut in a jungle.
    • A riddle, magnifying glass, a bag of gems.
    • An ancient book, a museum trip, a portrait.
    • Animal Shelter, Annual Pet day, missing puppies.
    • A language translator tool, a video game, Gaming Convention.
    • Any original story.
  2. (6-8 yrs) Time Limit – 2-5 Min
  3. (9-15 Yrs) Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • (6-8 yrs) – Video of narration & Story document
    • (9-15 Yrs) – Story Document
  5. Language of Narration/Writing – English