1. Themes: Create a story on any one of these imaginative scenarios –
    • Your shadow is angry at you and leaves you.
    • You realise that you can speak in a parrot’s voice only.
    • Your dog tore your homework notebook. You have to submit it for assessment the next day. So ……
    • You realize that you can sleep with your eyes open. You …..
    • You cannot stop sneezing in the class. Weave a story on what happens next..
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Time Limit – 2-5 Min
  4. Submission Format –
    • Video of narration & Story document
  1. Themes: Create a story on any one of these imaginative scenarios –
    • Your shadow is angry at you and leaves you.
    • You realise that you can speak in a parrot’s voice only.
    • Your dog tore your homework notebook. You have to submit it for assessment the next day. So ……
    • You realize that you can sleep with your eyes open. You …..
    • You cannot stop sneezing in the class. Weave a story on what happens next..
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • Story Document