1. Themes – World Book Day
    • You find a book lying on the road. As you pick it up, it thanks you. What happens next?
    • You smile as you admire the rows of books arranged in your father’s / mother’s office library. Suddenly you find one book to be glowing. You go near to inspect… Complete the story
    • You keep the chosen book to read on the table and turn to pick your glasses. As you turn back, the book is not in its place. Where did it vanish, you wonder? Complete the story.
  2. Language of Narration/Writing – English
  3. Time Limit – 2-5 min
  4. Submission Format –
    • Video of narration & Story document
  1. Theme – World Book Day
    • While browsing through a bookstore, you come across a peculiar leather-bound book with no title and blank pages. As you are about to keep the book back… Complete the tale.
    • A bookstore owner gifts you a seemingly ordinary book, claiming it holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Skeptical yet curious, you delve into its pages. Weave a story of what you uncover…
    • As you reach for a book from the School library bookshelf you notice a hidden compartment behind the shelf containing a mysterious journal. What secrets does it hold?
  2. Language of Writing – English
  3. Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • Story Document
  1. Theme – World Book Day
    • During a school fundraiser at the local library, you stumble upon a book that has cryptic messages and clues. You decide to decode the messages. Write a story on what happens next…
    • In a neighborhood garage sale, you come across a box of old comic books hidden beneath a pile of clothes. As you flip through the pages, you realize that the comics hold the key to … Complete the story with your imagination.
    • While spending the summer at your grandparents’ house, you discover a chest filled with dusty old books. Among them, you find a diary belonging to your grandmother when she was your age. As you read through its pages, you uncover … Weave a story about what the diary unravels.
  2. Language of Writing – English
  3. Word Limit – 500-1000 Words
  4. Submission Format –
    • Story Document