• Theme – Important Days.
    Choose anyone –
    1. The teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
    2. What I learnt on my school visit to the Post office.
  • Language – English
  • Time Limit – 2-3 Min
  • Submission Format –
    1. Video of speech performance
    2. Written document of the speech
  • Theme – Important Days.
    Choose anyone –
    1. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan – The man behind the slogan and his contribution.
    2. The need for nurturing mental health in the digital age.
  • Language – English
  • Time Limit – 3-5 Min
  • Submission Format –
    1. Video of speech performance
    2. Written document of the speech
  • Theme – Important Days.
    Choose anyone –
    1. Indian Air Force’s Contribution to Disaster Relief and Rescue Operations.
    2. The relevance of United Nations in today’s world.
  • Language – English
  • Time Limit – 3-5 Min
  • Submission Format –
    1. Video of speech performance
    2. Written document of the speech