• Write the given content for your age group in any style (cursive/print).


    Molly, the milkmaid, had filled her pails with milk. Her job was to milk the cows and transport the milk to the market to be sold. Molly was often debating what she should buy with her money. She was thinking about everything she wanted to buy as she filled the pails with milk and went to the market.

  • Submit a video of the child writing the content.
  • The submission of video is mandatory for the contest.
  • Submission Format –
    1. A clear pic of the word doc.
    2. Video of child writing the given content
  • Write the given content for your age group in any style (cursive/print).


    Once upon a time, there was a lazy wolf living in a jungle. Near his house was a pond. Many animals came to the pond to drink water. The wolf was always in search of food.
    One day, he was sitting near the pond hoping to get something to eat. When suddenly he spotted a dead bull.
    “Aha! What a luck! Now I can eat all I want,” he thought and his mouth started watering.

  • Submit a video of the child writing the content.
  • The submission of video is mandatory for the contest.
  • Submission Format –
    1. A clear pic of the word doc.
    2. Video of child writing the given content