- Write the given content for your age group in any style (cursive/print).
SWING, swing, swing,
Through the drowsy afternoon ;
Swing, swing, swing,
Up I go to meet the moon.
Swing, swing, swing,
I can see as I go high
Far along the crimson sky ;
I can see as I come down
The tops of houses in the town - Submit a video of the child writing the content.
- The submission of video is mandatory for the contest.
- Submission Format –
1. A clear pic of the word doc.
2. Video of child writing the given content
- Write the given content for your age group in any style (cursive/print).
Get into the boat and away to the west,
See-saw ! see-saw !
For they’ve cut down the tree with the poor linnet’s nest,
See- saw ! see-saw !
The bulrushes nod and the water-lilies sigh,
See-saw ! see-saw !
And all of us know the sad reason why,
See-saw ! see-saw !For, oh ! the tree – the tree’s cut down,
And every one of its leaves are brown ;
And in the field the children play,
But the little linnet has flown away :
Oh, dear ! oh, dear ! oh, dear - Submit a video of the child writing the content.
- The submission of video is mandatory for the contest.
- Submission Format –
1. A clear pic of the word doc.
2. Video of child writing the given content