• Theme – Poem
  • Write the given content in your choice of writing style (cursive or print script) on ruled paper –

    Cindy Circle – Anonymous

    I am Cindy Circle;
    Watch me turn.
    Round and round;
    and you will learn.
    I am not straight,
    and I don’t bend.
    My outside edges,

    Never end.

  • Submission Format –
    1. A clear pic of the content
    2. Video of the child writing the content
  • Theme – Poem
  • Write the given content in your choice of writing style (cursive or print script) on ruled paper-.

    Kindness – Haley O’ Connor

    I can choose to be kind,
    Each and every day.
    I can choose to be kind,
    To everyone, in every way.

    When I am kind to others,
    I make the world a little brighter.
    When I am kind to others,
    I make my heart a little lighter.

    So, plant a seed of KINDNESS,
    And watch the world BLOOM.
    So plant a seed of KINDNESS,
    And we’ll chase away the GLOOM

  • Submission Format –
    1. A clear pic of the content
    2. Video of the child writing the content