Create an artwork that depicts life in different geographic regions –

  • Village Life
  • City Life

Points to Remember:
The child has to depict any one geographic region only.
For eg, if the child chooses village life, the artwork must depict only village life and not the elements of city life in it.

Submission Format –

  1. A clear pic of the artwork
  2. A time lapse video of the child drawing and coloring the artwork.

Create an artwork that depicts life in different geographic regions –

  • Coastal life
  • Life in hilly areas
  • Life in the desert
  • Life in a metropolis
  • Life in the snowy regions / cold climate
  • Life along river banks

Points to Remember:
The child has to depict any one geographic region only.
For eg, if the child chooses coastal life, the artwork must depict only coastal life.

Submission Format –

  1. A clear pic of the artwork
  2. A time lapse video of the child drawing and coloring the artwork.