Prioritizing SELF

By Medini Padoshi

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Nowadays, it is very common to hear rumours about oneself. People de-motivate others, and criticize others, without understanding what the other person is going through. It is very common for people to be insensitive towards others’ emotions not caring at all what they can or must be feeling.

A lot of people especially young adults and teenagers lose themselves to societal pressure and ridicule due to certain setbacks and failures they go through. No one realizes the impact that a person feels when they have to hear their parents, family, friends, and teachers reminding them day after day about “that one time” when they could not perform properly at something. It hurts them mentally as well as physically. In extreme cases, they may shut themselves out and stop reacting which is harmful and toxic for them.

This is the juncture where the word ‘self’ comes in. Self-motivation, self-belief, self-help, and self-love provide us with ideas and encouragement that permit us to work harder to reach our goals. As a teenager who has faced this numerous times for a few years now, putting oneself first helps to overcome the pressure situations. How?

All one needs to do is have faith in abilities. Spending time with ourselves allows us to realize more and more about our thought process, thinking capacity, passions, likes and dislikes, and mental strength that we don’t understand most of the time since we are always preoccupied with the thought – what will others think about us?.. Overcoming this self-doubt based on others’ thoughts and perceptions is self-belief.

When we start living and doing things for ourselves, we realize our strengths and weaknesses. We can then spend some time every day to improve our weak points. This is self-help.

Getting angry with others is not always wrong. We need to learn to put that anger into encouragement with the attitude of proving. Proving what? Proving that our actions and behavior are an outcome of our thoughts and not others’ observations or comments. This is self-motivation.

And lastly, it is as important to love ourselves physically and mentally. It allows us to be optimistic to go and put ourselves out there. This is self–love.

Thus, we realize that if we have faith and belief in ourselves, we can move mountains. We don’t need anyone else to show or tell us anything. We can do anything if we want to.

Believe in Yourself
In the mirror, see that face,
It’s you and what u believe in, a special place.
Eyes that shine with a hopeful gleam,
Only you can reach each dream.

When things seem tough and long,
Prioritizing yourself can make you strong.
Doubts may whisper in your ear,
But self-belief speaks and conquers fear.

With each step, though slow it seems,
You’re building paths to reach your dreams.
Believe in you, for you’re the key,
To all that you were meant to be.

Through every pressure, rise, and strive,
Only you can make you thrive.
Believe in yourself, and you will find,
The greatest heights, Self-love, and belief are one of a kind.