Olympics – Beyond the Sports

By Geetanjali Padoshi

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The Olympics are more than just an extravaganza of sporting prowess and global togetherness – it is an event that imparts many valuable lessons. The spectacular opening, the thrill of each sport – individual or group, the pride in cheering for one’s countrymen, reveling in joy upon their win, or ruing the loss is a roller coaster ride of emotions.
The grandeur of the event and its scale are difficult to fathom. There is something to learn from every aspect of the event, be it the venue, the games, the people attending it, and the billions of fans watching it from their homes and offices. This article talks about a few if not all of them that could be a great learn.

Hard Work and Dedication
Every Olympian has a story about his/her journey to reach the biggest sporting arena. It is not sheer luck but perseverance, dedication, and hard work. They spend years training and they fight through obstacles that would stop most, to reach the top of their sport. These journeys are vivid reminders that failure is not an option.

The nation that hosts the games puts in years of preparation to make the event a success. The sporting venue for the variety of events, hosting of the games, and accommodation of athletes and members of nations across the globe is a well-planned exercise that takes commitment nothing short of being excellent.

This mindset highlights dedication and hard work that encourages resilience. The focus area might change from sports to academics, fine arts, or something else but the mindset does not.

Failure is a good teacher
The Olympics are not just about winning; they are also about failure and setbacks. Not every athlete will win a medal. For many, it is a journey that acts as a foundation for future glory while for others, it is a journey to be content with having displayed one’s sporting abilities at a global stage. The behavior of accepting this defeat and moving on from it shows one’s mental strength and resilience. That failure is not the end but a part of the journey to success is highlighted brilliantly by the athletes’ behavior. Resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, is a crucial skill that one can learn from this event.


The games are a great teacher of the value of Integrity. This is demonstrated by their emphasis on fair play. Athletes are expected to compete with integrity, respect their opponents, and follow the rules. This points to the importance of honesty and ethical behavior be it in sports or everyday life. The respect athletes show for their competitors, irrespective of the outcome, highlights that doing any activity with full transparency is just as important as achieving the desired objective.
Welcoming Healthy Competition

Welcoming Healthy Competition

The Olympics are synonymous with positive competition. While the desire to win drives athletes to perform their best, it also fosters mutual respect and admiration among competitors. Understanding that competition can be healthy and constructive is crucial for all young minds to learn. It allows one to handle victory and embrace defeat gracefully, leading to holistic emotional development.

Every Win Counts

The Olympics is nothing but a celebration of personal triumphs, both big and small. Whether it’s breaking a world record or simply qualifying for the Games, every accomplishment is recognized and applauded. This reinforces the idea that all achievements, no matter how minor they may seem, deserve recognition and applause. Celebrating small victories boosts self-esteem and propels individuals to work harder towards their set goals.

National Pride

The games bring together entire nations where the athletes, supporting staff, and citizens encouraging from their home countries come together as one unit. Patriotism does not limit itself to waving the National Flag or celebrating the National days. It is also portrayed through the unwavering support lent to the athletes on the world stage. Celebrating their record wins and participating in their journey is nothing short of showing love to the motherland.

The Olympics are not just a global sporting event; they are a life lesson. From valuing hard work to understanding the importance of fair play and teamwork, embracing failure and integrity, and developing a positive mindset, the lessons from the Olympics are invaluable. By absorbing these, one can develop a well-rounded perspective on life, and equip oneself with the skills and values needed to navigate the future successfully.