A Unique Teachers’ Day Celebration

By Geetanjali Padoshi

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Aryan and his friends are excited for today. They have toiled hard for the last few days with ideations, discussions,planning and rehearsals. Today is the day to present this unique gift to the intended audience – Teachers.  Aryan and his friends of std 7 of the Future Academy have worked hard on preparing a skit for their teachers on the occasion of Teachers’ day.  As all head to the auditorium for this special presentation, Aryan and his friends huddle in the backstage all set to present the skit titled – “ THANK YOU”

Scene 1: The Traditional Classroom

The stage is representative of a traditional offline classroom.  Aryan dressed as a teacher from the 90s, enters the classroom. At the other end a few of his friends are seated as students in uniform representing the class. Aryan keeps a stack of books on the table and addresses his students.

Aryan (as the teacher): “Good morning, class! We shall be learning about an exciting topic today which is – “ The Solar System”.

He begins to write the planets names and draws the Solar System on the  blackboard with chalk. The students pretend to scribble a few points in their notebooks and glance towards one another and the teacher.

Two children Ayesha & Harpreet enter the stage as students of today. They observe the on going class.

Ayesha: “Wow, this is how kids studied a few decades ago! The teacher would just talk, and students had to jot down the information in the notebooks.

Harpreet: “Yes, No gadgets or devices!”

Ayesha:  Harpreet, in this way of teaching students completely relied on the information given by the teachers.

Harpreet: Right!

Both Ayesha & Harpreet leave the stage and so do Aryan and the students. The curtain falls for some time and reopens again with a completely different set-up.

Scene 2: The Present-Day Classroom

Aryan comes back as teacher. He however has no books in his hand. It has been replaced by a tablet and a projector can be seen in the background. The students too are sitting with laptops instead of books.

Aryan: “Good morning, everyone! Today, we’re going to learn about the Solar System. The class shall be divided into groups and all of you shall make a presentation using the online sources we discussed yesterday. Each group shall present their version of Solar System after which a discussion session shall be held.

The enacting students form small groups and get busy in scouring information for the presentation.

Robin (excited): “Hey! We can use this information from the site. It shows all the planets in 3D form.

Mahek (pointing to her laptop): Yes. Then we can share information from this site about the possibility of life on other planets.

While the students are engrossed in gathering and filtering the information, Aryan moves around the class clearing any doubts and observing the students’ efforts.  

Ayesha & Harpreet enter the stage again. 

Ayesha: Look at the smart classrooms. The method of learning has changed from the teacher – student knowledge transfer to a collaborative exercise. Here the teacher is encouraging the students to create the questions and find answers for the same with technology’s help.

Harpreet: The teacher is stimulating the students minds to find information on their own.

The curtain falls again for a scene change. A small murmur can be heard among the audience trying to guess what the next scene shall be. Just as the murmurs are about to transform into a loud discussion, the curtain opens and a pin drop silence ensues.

Scene 3: The Virtual Classroom

The stage is set into settings of different homes. Aryan as the teacher sitting in his house while the students sitting at different corners of the stage as if in their own homes. Some in the living room, some in their own rooms , some hanging near a balcony perplexed to get a decent signal. The class is being conducted  over a Google Meet.

Aryan (as the virtual teacher): Hello students. I am sure you all have studied the presentation shared with you on Solar System. Let us now begin our discussion.

Isha, one of the students raises her hand on screen and starts talking.

Isha: “I learned that Planet Pluto has now been termed as a dwarf planet.”

Aryan: “Right. Can anyone tell me the reason for it?”

Another student answers, and the discussion continues.

Ayesha & Harpreet enter again.

Ayesha: This was our learning mode during Corona Pandemic.  Our teachers had to adapt to online learning almost overnight, they learned new tools and improvised means to engage us even from the often limited resources at home.

Harpreet: Yes. They became tech experts, ensuring that our learning continues.

The students enact a mock quiz , and fill google forms as class tests demonstrating that the teachers continue to be a part of students learning curve in any situation.

Scene 4: The Teacher as a Mentor

Aryan is sitting with one his students Akshat.

Akshat: Sir, the online information available to us is endless. There’s just so much to learn, and I don’t know where to start.

Aryan : Do not worry Akshat! It is overwhelming indeed.  Always remember, online information is not everything. I am here as your teacher to help you navigate this digital quagmire. Let us break down your issue into smaller ones and proceed to solve them one by one. Shall we?

Aryan and Akshat make a simple study plan that brings a smile on Akshat’s face.

Ayesha & Harpreet have already arrived at the scene as Aryan and Akshat were enacting their part. 

Ayesha: The new age mentors. Our teachers have indeed equipped themselves for all kids of challenges posed by the new digital way of life. They foresee issues that can be faced by students and are ready with a plan. They teach us how to be responsible digital citizens, ensuring that we use technology in a way that benefits us and society.

An announcement is made – Now we are heading for the last act of the skit. Please be patient.

Scene 5: The Future of Teaching

All the participating students gather on stage along with Aryan, Ayesha and Harpreet. Aryan addresses the audience.

Aryan : This skit was a small effort to show everyone that the teachers fraternity always have the welfare of the students in mind. The digitalisation, technological advances, pandemics or any other hurdle shall not stop the teachers commitments to continue the learning . They would adapt, learn and equip themselves with all that is needed just to be present for the students and ensure that the light of learning never dies down.

All the participants echo in chorus -“Thank you, teachers!” and “Happy Teacher’s Day!”

The curtain closes, and the audience erupts in applause, celebrating the teachers who have embraced change and continue to inspire students in an ever-evolving digital world.